What Four St. Louis Startups Say about the Region's Tech Scene

At LaunchCode, we love adding tech talent to the St. Louis startup scene. Not only is LaunchCode fueling a pipeline for tech talent growth in St...

Helping St. Louis Startups Launch Successful Tech Teams

Innovator. Scrappy. Grit. Collaborative. Visionary. Believer. Ambitious. Eager. Motivated.

LaunchCode Graduate: An Open Letter to Myself

What would it be like if you could travel back in time and talk to your past self before you had made life-changing decisions? Wouldn't it be great..

Filling the Tech Talent Gap with Balto

LaunchCode recently spoke with Chris Knotes, the COO and one of the founders of Balto, a real-time speech analytics technology company based in St...

5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Personal Project

One of the best things you can do for yourself as you pursue a career in tech is to build a personal project. Not only do personal projects allow..

DevOps In the Wild

Whether you’re a developer early in your career, a student new to the joys and struggles of programming, or a non-technical person that works with..

Confections to Coding: Maroua From KC

My path into tech isn’t what most would call “straightforward.” Growing up as a first-generation Moroccan immigrant, I never envisioned a career in..

Jacob's LaunchCode Story

A Precarious Assemblage For years I pursued a career as an artist and an educator. Art has always been a mirror of the time in which it was made. As..