
How To Be A Rockstar Candidate: Part 2

Part two of two on how to be a standout LaunchCode apprenticeship candidate. If you missed part one you can read it here.

How To Be A Rockstar Candidate: Part 1

Part one of two on how to be a standout LaunchCode apprenticeship candidate.

Empowerment Through Mentorship

One-On-One Teaching Techniques So you want to help someone learn to be a software developer. What exactly do you do to help them succeed? Many..

The Agile Process

The Agile Process at LaunchCode Building a successful project takes work and some serious perseverance. However, many people don’t realize that their..

LaunchCoder Q & A with Louis

How did you hear about LaunchCode? I saw a large poster in a window inside a St. Louis mall. After looking into, I found out more and..

What are Functional Programming Languages?

In your coding journey, you may have heard rumblings about Functional Languages. St. Louis hosts the annual Strange Loop conference, a prestigious..

LaunchCoder Q & A with Brad

What motivated you to sign up for LaunchCode's Summer of Code? I attended LaunchCode’s first CS50x class in January of 2014, but life threw a wrench..

LaunchCoder Q & A with Kevin

How did you hear about LaunchCode? I heard about LaunchCode from June Mercer, a Computer Science professor at the St. Louis Community College —..

Ace Your Tech Interview

Top Tips For Your Tech Interview You’ve landed the interview — great job! Whether you are diving into the job hunt for the first time or returning to..

Jonathan's Story

From (Valet) Driver to Developer For Jonathan Gonzalez, coding is creation: "I love the process of creation, and coding lets me have the chance to..