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Careers (3)

The Melody of Code

The Sound of Code is Music to Their Ears At first glance, it may be hard to find the relationship between coding and art — but the connections are..

Shaun's LaunchCode Story

Tell us a little bit about your background. I'm an Air Force veteran with a bachelor's degree in journalism, and prior to finding LaunchCode, I..

Coding As ... Art?

Make All. The. Things. At first glance, it may be hard to find the relationship between coding and art — the dominant tech culture and perceived..

Apprentice to Developer: Mamata in KC

Making It In America Mamata, LaunchCoder & Software Developer Tell us a little bit about how you got here. I love to play with code. I do Java,..

Apprentice Interview: Chris

Always Working Towards A Career in Tech Chris, LaunchCoder & QA Developer

Top 6 Networking Tips

Knock Their Socks Off For some, networking can feel like walking a tightrope, with frayed nerves and awkward moments. Finding a balance between being..

CoderGirl Story: Lilly

What a Difference a Year Makes Here at LaunchCode, we get inspired by all the amazing stories of our students, apprentices, mentors and teaching..

Mentorship Matters with Citrix

Mentoring Makes A Difference Did you know that mentoring has a positive impact on both the mentee and the mentor? Turns out, it's great for everyone..

Why Conferences Are Key

Seize The Opportunities Whether you are a job seeker or a hiring manager, new-to-tech or a seasoned developer, conferences can make you a stronger..

Meet Cody

Apprenticeship Candidate Interview How did you hear about LaunchCode? I heard about LaunchCode through Udacity. It was suggested by the career..