Posts about

Careers (2)

A Q&A With Jacob Francois

What did you do before LaunchCode? For years I pursued a career as an artist and an educator. Art has always been a mirror of the time in which it..

CoderGirl Story: Amy

From Living Paycheck-To-Paycheck to Landing a Rewarding Career in Tech When scrolling Facebook, I don’t generally expect to come across something..

Writer to Coder: Jeff in Kansas City

First he Wrote Fiction, Now He Writes Code After getting a BA in English Lit, Jeff supplemented his writing career with various middle-man business..

Forget What You Heard About Tech Career Paths

What we get wrong about new tech career paths Everyone knows work has changed in the United States. With it have changed the skills we think of as..

Crafting the Perfect IT Resume

Resume Tips to Help Launch Your Entry Level IT Career Before you even begin reading these tips, think to yourself: what is it I want to do? Do you..

How to Crush Your Live Coding Interview

Mastering Live Coding Does the idea of coding on a whiteboard, away from your IDE, in front of a seasoned programmer leave you shaking in your boots?..

Top 5 Tips for Hosting an Apprentice

Successful Apprenticeships in 5 Steps Whether you're just starting to consider bringing an apprentice onto your team, or you're a couple of months..

Following a Passion: Jiho in Kansas City

How did you hear about LaunchCode? A year before hearing about LaunchCode, I took some online courses on data science. I managed to get through some..

Sunmi Finds Programming

Trying Something New, Finding Something Great Sunmi, LaunchCode LC101 Alumni Tell us a bit about your background. I earned a B.A. in Multi-Media..

7 Reasons Why You Need a Junior Talent Pipeline

In the last year, I have spoken with over 100 companies about their experiences working with new-to-tech talent. I’ve heard the best success stories..