Mentorship Always Mattered

The Cornerstone of Successful Teams As a LaunchCode Company Relations Manager, I get the pleasure of speaking with some of Portland and Vancouver’s..

Cashier to Coder: Gail in St. Louis

Moving Out of a Job and Into a Career A year ago, I was a supermarket cashier with a bachelor's degree in English. Today I'm a programmer for Express..

Learning Something New: Carly in St. Louis

A Simple Challenge Turned into a Career You often hear that programmers are drawn to coding because it comes naturally to them. LaunchCoder Carly..

An Affordable Answer to the Tech Talent Gap

Most options we rely on to train tomorrow’s tech workers have a crucial flaw. They cost money. Today’s workforce has a massive tech talent deficit..

Sunmi Finds Programming

Trying Something New, Finding Something Great Sunmi, LaunchCode LC101 Alumni Tell us a bit about your background. I earned a B.A. in Multi-Media..

7 Reasons Why You Need a Junior Talent Pipeline

In the last year, I have spoken with over 100 companies about their experiences working with new-to-tech talent. I’ve heard the best success stories..

Rethinking Problem Solving: Katy in St. Louis

Finding the Right Time for Takeoff Katy first heard about LaunchCode from an announcement for the first CS50x course at the Central Library in St...

The Melody of Code

The Sound of Code is Music to Their Ears At first glance, it may be hard to find the relationship between coding and art — but the connections are..

Shaun's LaunchCode Story

Tell us a little bit about your background. I'm an Air Force veteran with a bachelor's degree in journalism, and prior to finding LaunchCode, I..

Coding As ... Art?

Make All. The. Things. At first glance, it may be hard to find the relationship between coding and art — the dominant tech culture and perceived..