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Black in Tech: Kumba Janga, Senior Software Engineer & Data Modeler at JP Morgan Chase

Black History Month is a time to reflect on the contributions, stories, and progress made by Black and African Americans, across the country, the..

Black in Tech: Jarrod Sharp, LaunchCode Alum

Black History Month is a time to reflect on the contributions, stories, and progress made by Black and African Americans, across the country, the..

DevOps In the Wild

Whether you’re a developer early in your career, a student new to the joys and struggles of programming, or a non-technical person that works with..

Jeff's LaunchCode Story

First he Wrote Fiction, Now He Writes Code After getting a BA in English Lit, Jeff supplemented his writing career with various middle-man business..

How to Crush Your Live Coding Interview

Mastering Live Coding Does the idea of coding on a whiteboard, away from your IDE, in front of a seasoned programmer leave you shaking in your boots?..

Hakim's LaunchCode Story

A Sense of Purpose Paving the Way After moving from Ethiopia, Hakim held several positions that didn't accurately reflect his experience of..

Jiho's LaunchCode Story

How did you hear about LaunchCode? A year before hearing about LaunchCode, I took some online courses on data science. I managed to get through some..

Katy's LaunchCode Story

Katy first heard about LaunchCode from an announcement for the first CS50x course at the Central Library in St. Louis. The timing wasn't right for..

Shaun's LaunchCode Story

Tell us a little bit about your background. I'm an Air Force veteran with a bachelor's degree in journalism, and prior to finding LaunchCode, I..

Coding As ... Art?

At first glance, it may be hard to find the relationship between coding and art — the dominant tech culture and perceived mathiness don't..