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LaunchCoder Student Q & A With Luke

Written by LaunchCode | Dec 6, 2016 2:36:19 AM

Making A Better Life — No Terrifying Debt Required

What motivated you to sign up for class with LaunchCode?

I have been searching for a way to start making a better life for myself, preferably without driving myself into terrifying debt. I was looking into Centriq, but could not acquire the money to attend. I have lots of friends in the local IT industry, and they have all said that IT would be a great path for me. I was disheartened to not get in to Centriq, but then heard of LaunchCode. I took the assessment and signed up immediately. I've been ready for a change, something that would challenge me mentally.

I have been searching for a way to start making a better life for myself, preferably without driving myself into terrifying debt. I took the assessment and signed immediately. I've been ready for a change, something that would challenge me mentally.

Tell us about your background.

I've worked construction clean up for the past 4 years as a Site Supervisor. It's been my job to manage the onsite workforce. I do not have a degree of any kind. Prior to this class, it had been probably 6 or so years since I've even used a full sized keyboard on a semi-regular basis. To say that I had no previous experience with programming would be putting it nicely! It's something I had taken interest in back in high school in the late 90's, but that was in the qBasic days. I only took a couple of classes and then never continued with it any further.

What has been the highlight of class so far?

The networking and accountability. As my goal is get a job in IT, talking to and meeting the people in class has been an unexpected asset. Everyone knows someone, and that can lead to an unseen opportunity. Knowing that most everyone is there for the same reason, and everyone is very supportive of each other. The accountability is a big deal for me. Knowing that my study partner is expecting me to be there, and be up to date on the goings on in class helps keep me motivated. I always do well in a team setting. Sure, everything could be done online, but going to class and being around the TA's and fellow students helps keep me going.

Working through this class has been like one big logic problem, and sitting down with study partners and friends to work through the PSETs has been a very enjoyable experience.

What have you learned about yourself by taking CS50x?

I have learned that I really enjoy being challenged. Working through this class has been like one big logic problem, and sitting down with study partners and friends to work through the PSETs has been a very enjoyable experience. I really enjoy being back in a learning environment, and look forward to learning more through an internship or apprenticeship.

What would be your advice to someone interested in signing up for LaunchCode’s next class cohort?

This is not a class to take in your spare time. It is hard and very fast paced. If you have no prior experience, you should be ready set aside a pretty serious amount of time in order to stay on top of things. Take it seriously and you will find the results you are looking for. Not missing class goes a long way. Everyone around you wants you to succeed, so take advantage of the available resources. Ask questions, post on the class forums, work in a group and try to organize or be involved in study sessions outside of class. Ask questions early and often, don't be afraid to speak up. Tweet this


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